

Erica Romkema grew up in rural Minnesota and Iowa, the daughter of a writer missionary kid and a veterinarian farm boy. Erica’s love of books led her to study abroad in Oxford; her love of the land took her to small farms from France to North Carolina. She has served as the farm manager at a camp and retreat center for the past 10 years. Erica is currently exploring new ways to reach young gardeners, is always looking to build community within beautiful spaces, and has reignited that little spark that always wants her to be writing.


Pleased to meet you! Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you find it a warm welcome.

In case you wanted to know a little bit more about me: my educational background is in English, creative writing, and sustainable agriculture. My spiritual background is Christianity, and I’m there yet, though I’ve learned a lot within my faith that is surprising, and beautiful, and sometimes a little startling. Wendell Berry has a great poem called “A Homecoming” which, to me, is about the freedom to explore and learn in one’s faith journey, without fear – that we can, even, find our way home in doing so – and that is what I aim for.

I didn’t take the writing/agriculture/faith route hoping to become the next Wendell Berry, though of course I discovered him, and many other wonderful folk, along the way. It turns out there are many of us, writers and artists who love working outdoors, with our hands, restoring and growing and healing. This seems natural. Creativity and nurture. They go well together. (Check out the wonderful programs at Iowa State – the MFA in Creative Writing and Environment and the Graduate Program in Sustainable Agriculture. Thanks to ISU and these programs for great classes, professors, peers, and potlucks.)

I want to serve in love through farming and hospitality. I don’t know everything, by any means; but like I tell my community garden members, we are all learning together! A good thing about nature is that there’s plenty of learning to be had.

I write here because I’m keen to be creating, and appreciating, and engaging with others in the process. How sweet it is to have a place to gather ideas and share thoughts together! I love it. I hope you enjoy.



The Community Farm at Chestnut Ridge newsletter. February 2013-present. Link coming soon.

The Acorn. Camp Chestnut Ridge Newsletter. Fall 2021-Spring 2022. Link coming soon.

“A Yellow House in Ames.” The New Farmers Almanac, Vol III. February 2017.

“Beginning Farmers: Learning, Networking, and Connecting to Place.” A Growing Culture. 6 February 2013. Link.

“Learning Mob Grazing on the Nebraska Sandhills.” A Growing Culture. 16 May 2012. Link.

Riding the Neighbors’ Horses. March 2012. Link.

Book Review: Honeybee: Lessons from an Accidental BeekeeperThe Practical Farmer. Practical Farmers of Iowa. Summer 2011. Link.

“Finding” and “nettles,” Splash of Red. July 2010. Link.

“Reward,” “Ecuador,” and “new moon at hilltop,” dirtcakes. June 2010. Link.

“Ritual.” Thomas Merton Poetry of the Sacred Contest, Honorable Mention. April 2010.

Red ribbon and brown boots: becoming an agrarian girl. MFA thesis. Iowa State University, Ames.   December 2009. Link.

“my father’s hands,” Triggerfish Critical Review. December 2009.

“Heritage” and “Early Days at the Farmers Market,” Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment. Spring 2009.

“Eating Lessons,” The Practical Farmer. Practical Farmers of Iowa. Summer 2008.

“Shaping My Way,” Root Stock. Organic Valley Family of Farms Cooperative. March 2007.

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